Friday, November 18, 2005

Water rat

The ocean gives me vitality ..makes me feel high for the rest of the day I'm on opium. The shock of cold water awakens my body ..sends a rush of blood to my head .. and awakens my mind. It surrounds me ~ moves me ~ takes away the pain of walking upright ~ and the pressure of holding myself together. Out here, there is no gap between what I expect and what happens ~ just water molecules in motion ~ or what Buddhists call ~ flowing cohesion.


Keshi said...

what a beautiful post...makes me realise how much we r connected to nature and how little we need to be peaceful with life...

According to Buddhism, flowing cohesion in peace with one's self, can only be obtained if u rid the desires...cos desire is the source of misery...

have a peaceful day :)

Newsandseduction said...

nice and tranquil.

Lee William said...

Thank you for your thoughtful comments. That's exactly what I was trying to say. I feel connected to something much larger than myself.