Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I am Brahman

Lali Shyama 
‘I am Brahman!’ (aham brahmasmi)  
Advaita Vedanta: Lali Shyama, looking past individual identity (Kali) and aspiring to identify with the true Self, Atman that is indivisible from a higher Reality, Brahman. The declaration ‘I am Brahman!’ (aham brahmasmi) is a testament to this. Advaita Vedanta (Sanskrit; not-two, "no second") refers to the nonduality of Atman and Brahman. Followers seek liberation/release by acquiring vidyā (knowledge) of the identity of Atman and Brahman. It follows Jivanmukta, the idea that moksha (freedom, liberation) is achievable in this life.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Acting class girl

I mostly date girls I already know.  Usually colleagues or classmates.  My second year of grad school I made my first 'cold call'. She was walking ahead of me on her way to class. I was intrigued by the way she looked from behind so I slowed down to keep from overtaking her. She looked kinda' like a hippy – wearing a white halter top, sandals and faded jeans. She fit her jeans like a glove. I sped up to see if she was what I imagined from the front. Only more so, which compelled me to ask:
“Where are you heading?”
Her:  “English lit”
I was studying language ability so I thought English may be a common interest – as well as an opening line.
Me: “Interesting! I like language. Could we perhaps get together and speak English sometime?” (lame, I know, but I didn’t have much time)
Her: "Uh, OK ..”
At dinner I discover that her real passion is acting and she’s an understudy in the play ‘As You Like It’. I abandon my plans to talk about ‘English as a second language’ and ask her to tell me more about the play. She talks excitedly about the lead actress – how charismatic she is – about how she plays both a man and a women and pulls it off. Then she slows way down and, almost as a boring afterthought, asks about my thesis.
Me: “Uh, it’s about how people make inferences to understand speech (..?)”
Her: “What does that mean?”
Instead of giving her an academic spiel – I go:
“You know how when you’re acting ...you don’t spell everything out You kinda' let the audience tell the story?"
Her: “Yeah ..?”
Me: “I study how they do that.”
For the first time I see a light go on and her eyes open wide with interest.
“That’s exactly what they’re teaching us in acting class.”
I Suddenly went from long-hair surfer dude Jeff Spicoli to Professor-dude. She’s looking at me almost admiringly. I learn a little about Shakespeare, her prior marriage and how English is really a back-up plan. Then she tells me she’s kinda’ crushing on someone in the Drama Dept.
Me: “Would that be the lead actress by any chance?” (risky, I know ...but it’s the only person she’s talked about so far).
Her: “Uh, yeah ..how did you know?”
Me: “I dunno’ ...inference I suppose ..(?)” (I'm feeling  full of myself. I can handle a date with a total stranger. But the obvious question is: why did she agree to go out with me?)
Her: “I dunno ..I felt uncomfortable with you following me like that ...maybe it was a relief to just  get it over with (?)”