Sunday, January 11, 2009

The vedas

India and Indian scholars are bypassing the US in the field of biotechnology. They don’t have a history of division between the religious establishment and the scientific community. Indian religious culture has always been in harmony with scientific inquiry. Ancient Hindu texts (like the Vedas) prefigure modern-day cosmology by almost 3,000 years. Christianity, on the other hand, abhors developments in many fields of science ..especially biotech. The influence of evangelical Christians in this country has set medical science back decades. In the meantime, Indian researchers have developed non-toxic ways of battling cancer (using monoclonal antibodies) ..and safer methods for treating hemophilia (factor IX proteins). I wonder what else can be accomplished in a religious culture more in-tune with enlightenment and compassion ..than with ignorance and fear.


Shimmerrings said...

I'm with you on that one, Lee, thanks for posting more on this... maybe one day people will wake up from their ignorance... do you think it's possible?

The Cooking Lady said...

I have MS, and I am doing fine right now. But for those who are not, and let's just look at one aspect...stem cell research.

If we could proceed with that alone we would be doing wonders.

Oh crap, but then the pharms would come in and stop any progress so we would still need to take their medicine and never get better.

I feel a blog coming on! Thanks Lee!!!