Sunday, January 4, 2009

psych notes

Sometimes I ask myself this what I want to write ..or what I think other people want me to write. Sometimes I feel rebellious and answer myself, shouting: “It’s my blog ..I’ll do what I want.” Either way, I’m struggling with something going on inside my head .. telling me what is and what isn’t appropriate to write about. I flash back to my schoolboy days ..listening to some instructor ask me if I have anything pertinent to say. Since I don’t see an instructor here at the moment ..and no one in particular comes to mind ..I must have created an internal instructor telling me what it thinks everyone else wants to hear. I tell myself that I’ve got to move on ..and not be bound by childhood experience ..I’m an adult for Christ sake. Nobody cares what I write anymore. But it persists ..especially when I’m telling myself to ignore it and move on. So, I see only one way out Learn to live with the beast of conditioned-existence. Make friends with it ..serve it tea ..or wine. Maybe then it’ll lower it’s guard and I’ll be able to see what exists on the other side more often.


Shimmerrings said...

My blog, well you know, has become a long drawn out journal. A lot of heavy stuff, a little bit of light stuff, blah blah blah...

I love reading about the voices in your head, lol... I guess my voices are a lot noisier. I don't think most people are able to deal with all my noise... but those voices gotta come out, or they will bust hell wide open. I keep tellin' myself others might get somethin' out of it, my long drawn out stories, but they are really for me, I think, though you'd think livin' the stuff would be good enough. Most people's blogs are... for themselves. Funny, the difference in the voices in our heads.

We're free... as free as we wanna be?

Bill611 said...

I wonder if your "Generalized Instructor" has ever met my "Generalized Pessimistic Critic"? Probably not, since that freakin' guy seems to follow me everywhere...

lee said...

might have ..he sounds like several members of my internal review board ..

thanks Bill make me laugh

lee said...

Shimmerrings ~ I get a lot out of your stories ..I'm sure others do too for the voices, I've been told I spend too much time in my head ..passion is a much better source of writing material. Your journals are inspired. Thanks