Monday, July 3, 2006

Stream of consciousness

The Japanese music I hear sounds mildly erotic ..Tori Amos music is definitely erotic ..images of my friend Alicia come to mind ..Liz Phair lyrics are erotic ..or is that only because I can picture the warning label ..I’m going deeper into my memory for erotic music ..I remember the Beatles used to be good ‘date’ music ..Cat Stevens was definitely sensual as well as Sade ..I’m fussing with my ideas and editing my thoughts I think that there’s not much depth to my knowledge of erotic music ..I feel a jab of pain hit me in my chest ..I tell myself I lack initiative because I don’t want to go hiking ..or join the drum circle today ..another jab ..I rationalize by telling myself that I had a pretty intense week so it’s OK to just sit here and see what comes up ..feels a little better now ..I remind myself to keep hydrated ..and breathe deeply ..the pain diminishes even further ..I think, OK ..I’ll focus on my breath for awhile ..deep breathing relieves pain whereas shallow breathing gets congested like, um ..oh, what’s the word ..‘mung’ water, that’s what I called it as a kid ..‘stagnate’ water, that’s it I’m thinking in metaphors I’m thinking who cares I’m thinking about the latest metaphor for the mind ..3-dimensional networks of information I’m thinking about what other people will think about this ..I always think that they think I’m a little too ‘far-out’ ..and I don’t mean far-out as in ‘cool’ or ‘interesting’ ..more like far-out as in ‘weird’ or ‘irrelevant’ dad is a thinking man ..and I always hear him saying that he has no concept for what I'm talking about ..maybe obtuse is a better word ..I don’t think in concrete terms ..mostly fuzzy abstractions .. pedantic is another word that comes to mind ..I’m just so full of self-importance that I think everybody needs to hear what I have to say, I think it’s more like insecurity .. I spend a lot of time compensating for a bad high school education.

‘Proprioceptive writing’ is similar to ‘stream of consciousness’ writing. It is a method for expressing thoughts as you hear them. If you’re interested, click here ~~>Proprioceptive Writing .


Anonymous said...

You write about all the stuff we all think...too bad we are taught that linear thinking is the highest form of thinking...efficient, but when all is said and done...what good is being all that God damn efficient?
I won't look back and wonder why I wasn't more efficient. I know that one for sure. I also feel no one really cares about what we think individually. This is a good thing, really. Our freedom is really in our own heads. But you have to be careful on who you communicate this to...


Babs said...

I like your title and your topics. I'll be back when I have more time to read.

msb said...

never to far out or to far in as the case may be...

elise said...

mung is a good word.

NeverEnough said...

I always enjoy your way of thinking and more often than not, I relate to it.