Saturday, July 22, 2006

Location location location

I haven’t seen the movie, but I hear Al Gore says global warming will probably turn the Nevada desert into the high tide mark of the Pacific Ocean addition to wiping out a few South Sea Islands. According to my friend Jim will also turn the Sahara Desert into the lush tropical paradise that it used to be. It’s a cycle in geological time ..he says. We’re in Huntington Beach watching the US Open of Surfing. Guy next to me leans over and says: “Ya can’t see nuthin’ like this in Atlanta sir. It looks sort of like NASCAR ..except them surfers are driving boards instead of cars ..and lookin for the best pole position on the wave”. I tell him he'll have to wait'll be a few more years before it catches on in Georgia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Loved it!