Sunday, April 30, 2006

Theocracy in the USA

I think the Bush Administration has set medical science back at least a decade. Although 10 years may not seem like a long time, when you consider the speed of scientific advances these days ..that puts us back to about the middle ages. It wasn’t that long ago that many of the cancers which are manageable today were considered a death sentence ..things like Hodgkin’s disease, lymphoma and breast cancer come to mind here. Bush has moral issues with stem cell research, genetics and the theory of evolution. I’m sorry, but, as offensive as these fields may be to him ..myself and many others would not be alive today without the progress they made possible. Evolutionary science has provided major weapons in the fight against debilitating diseases. As someone who has survived cancer can attest ..these theories are ‘valid’ by virtue of the fact that they ‘work’. What better test is there ? I don’t care if they confound the minds of religious dogmatists. Denying the obvious is willful ignorance. It is an example of government-by-theocracy when the president demonizes scientific research. There is no place for that in a modern, technologically advanced, society. I am afraid of what two more years of his administration might bring. I do not want to live under the rule of evangelical Christians. Believe me, it is not a step in the direction of moral leadership ..we have Christian militias in this country who act just as uncivilized as Islamic terrorists. Remember Oklahoma City ..?


NeverEnough said...

So true. So very, very true!!

Lee William said...

..pretty scary too!!