Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking back

I put on a pair of hiking boots, goggles and miners’ cap ..and follow a trail leading back into my mind. I'm looking down the long haul of history ..the light from my miners cap illuminating the dark ..and the goggles pick up energy that ordinarily passes outside the reach of consciousness. I watch a lunatic pacing the street shouting something ..and I realize he’s ruminating over a disagreement that I thought I had forgotten a long time ago. Farther down ..I enter a passageway that leads to a hallway at a place where I use to work. I greet everyone I meet ..then duck into an office where someone is shouting at a computer and swearing it wasn’t his fault. I duck out of there before he sees me and starts swearing that it was my fault. Back out on the street, I crank up the resolution to see how far these goggles will take me ..and locate the stoners I used to hang out with in high school. I stumble over a field of mental instability, anxious to see them again. They’re getting high before class and they pass me the pipe. A haze builds-up behind my eyes lids and wisps of long forgotten memories drift by. I’m watching Blues Image playing at the Gem .. photons are flashing ..I cross a bridge, under which a brightly colored stream passes. I follow a thousand steps to the beach. I walk through the tide pools and enter a cave. Now I’m floating in Grecian pools carved smooth out of the coastal rocks and stones. Ocean water pours over the sides ..and the level rises to a pool of infinity where there’s no sign of separation between me ..the sea ..and the rest of humanity.


Shimmerrings said...

... sigh...

For Your Consideration said...

What liquid imagery! Excellent!

Bill said...

sound nostalgic, Sarah ..?

Bill said...

For Your Consideration ~ Thank you ! Yeah, I grew up in a liquid environment .. =)

Shimmerrings said...

... sometimes there are no words, to express what one is thinking... the sigh... it's not the nostalgia... it's the whole looking back thing... and making sense of it all... the way you describe the past, looking back, now, sounds as though you see it quite differently than you did then... nice goggles... and nice writing, of course... as always...

Bill said...

Thanks Sarah, I always loved those pools ..they were so soothing.

Shimmerrings said...

Wish I knew a spot like that... the closest I got was a little cave underneath a cliff, at the lake, lol. Quite different, with Georgia red clay... and formica sparkles...