Thursday, April 19, 2007

Virginia Tech

They’re calling it a ‘thought disorder’ instead of a ‘personality disorder’ ..I suppose that’s because this goes way beyond driving cross-country, wearing diapers, to whack a romantic rival. It doesn’t make sense to say that someone committed mass murder because of a personality flaw. But, thought disorder that sounds like something that registers higher on the scale of mental disturbances. I watched the video where Cho talks about being: “forced into a corner” ..but he wasn't sweating much ..not like I’d expect from someone who really felt threatened. Judging from the things I heard, he didn’t have much in the way of social skills .. I mean, stalking isn’t the best strategy for ‘hooking-up’. Sounds like he pushed people away ..and pushed himself into a corner ..then turned around and blamed others .. like the trust fund students ..for the situation he was in. I’ve seen other students deal with this by joining fringe groups ..I remember a kid who actually cut himself with a razor to show them how tough he was. However, in Cho’s case ..he was trapped by his own delusions ..and the only way he knew how to get out ..was the way he got in ..cold-hearted disordered thoughts.

I feel pretty heart-sick about the whole thing ..I guess a psych 101 post is my way of explaining it to myself.


msb said...

It sickens me too. Another mal- ajusted angst drivin youth with a gun in his hand playing the blame card. I wonder if they said that about Billy the Kid. Or all children trained to kill in foreign countries. O thats right its in the name of god or what ever... Cho gets imortalized and all the dead people get momentary eulogies copliments of the news media. So it goes. thanks Lee for letting me vent.

Lee William said...

I’ve been thinking about this ..I've considered self destruct mechanisms ..envy ..anti social ..then I heard that he stopped responding to his mother as an infant ..and that got worse ..he was never comfortable with affection ..didn't know how to hug ..or even what it meant me, this suggests mild functional autism ..possibly Aspergers ..untreated ..probably because of shame ..Korean culture is ruled by ‘chae-myon’ ..or what other people think families keep things to themselves it went undiagnosed ..and unrecognized ..sounds like autism ..high functioning though ..that’s my theory anyway ..I’m afraid to post it because I don’t want to stigmatize autistics anymore that they already are

msb said...

Thanks Lee, you are so wise. Sorry I was on such a tear the other night.

Lee William said...

msb ~ no apologies necessary ..i enjoy your comments.

however, i'm not so sure i'm so wise ..