Saturday, June 1, 2013


I down a smoothie and go walking in the early morning fog along the shore. It’s my favorite time ..just before burnoff. Very soothing. I pass by tai chi and yoga classes in the park. Very cool. At the end of the wharf where there’s nothing separating me from the water I watch low flying pelicans appear out of the mist then disappear again. The water is smooth and olive green. Very full and very still. Massive. Leaving, I promise to rent myself a three-wheel bike next time. I’m in the market for one anyway.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hello Bill,

I think TerraTrike has some good ones with a higher seat - one is not too expensive.
Watch it here:

I just got me a Kickbike "Sport" as I cannot run anymore. With the Kickbike I do not have joint aches anymore as I had when running and the Kickbike is also a lot of fun, exhausting, but a very good exercise too. I will get used to it soon. Have a look at

I wish you good exercise with your trike and also a lot of fun!

Take care and Pfiat' Di,