Tuesday, June 4, 2013


continued from [here]
Next time I saw Kālī I learned her real name .. Serena. She told me she was a devotee of Sri AnandamayiMa .. a Hindu Saint and incarnation of the Goddess Kālī. In Hindu tradition, the Goddess Kālī is consort to Lord Shiva and together they represent the creative and destructive powers of the Universe. Hearing this struck a chord. I was on a similar path when I was her age. I remembered a piece of music that resonated with me then and brought it with me next time. It resonated with her too. The inside cover has an illustration of the Kālī Yantra .. same as the one tattooed on Serena’s back. Until then I had not paid much attention to the CD illustration. I was paying attention now. Serena explained how the tattoo came to be on her back. Earlier in the year she had an ecstatic experience. She came into direct contact with the spirit of Goddess Kālī [link].