Saturday, February 23, 2013


I’m sitting on the deck sipping coffee and scanning the paper for items of interest. I see where they’re accusing Gov. Jan Brewer of ‘flip flopping’ and zero-in. I cringe at this term. Apparently she changed her position on an issue. Ordinarily politics doesn’t interest me much but when politicians start making claims about the psyche .. I take notice. To me, the ability to focus and shift perspective with equal ease is an admirable quality [ link ]. Others call it a sign of inconsistency and weakness. Flip-flopping is not a flattering term. However, sticking to a single position must mean tuning-out a lot of information that doesn’t conform. I think Greek Philosophers call this a Procrustean solution ..the practice of tailoring data to fit a preconceived idea [ link ]. During periods of rapid change doesn’t sound like much of an asset. Probably the reason Senator Russell Pearce was recalled in 2011.

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