Monday, July 5, 2010

Socialist Republic of California

I remember when I was going to school, I often heard conservatives from the generation before me refer to it as ‘the socialist state university of California’ ..and a typical exchange might go something like this:

“So Bill, what are you doing for your thesis ..?”
“Studying how people can be easily misinformed deceptive advertising, that sort of thing.”
“Oh, so you can devise better methods of propaganda ..”
“No, so we can teach better methods of detecting it ..” 

Later, I would discover that they were going around saying:“Hey, did you know Bill is studying to be a propaganda minister .” At first, I took it as a joke ..and laughed  it off. Then one day I kind of got the gist of it when someone at work got real pissed and told me how unfair it was: “Even though I didn’t go to college, I have to pay so punks like you can.” And I thought, yeah .. it was part of a land-grant act to put aside state funds for higher education. Later I discovered some people actually believe universities teach communist principles. Why ..? Because, as the name implies, universities teach universal principles, paving the way for a one-world society. And here I thought they were teaching us how to communicate better with other societies. When I look at the wars we’ve been fighting, I realize how easily misinformed I have been.


sunny said...

the light has mischievous forms to burst into our lives...

happy summer!

Bill Robertson said...

mischief ..what a brilliant way of looking at it.

thanks, Sunny!

ecelliam said...

You hear the word "Socialism" a lot lately, and still from the so called "Conservatives"
They fail to realize that they are the main contributers to it. Because they don't know the meaning.

Than you

Jennifer Dabbs said...

All I know is that tax payers only covered 13% of my tuition at UCSD over the last 4 years! The UCs are almost private anyway.

Bill Robertson said...


I think meaning is obsolete .. the two party system is a sham .. we’re ruled by a cabal ..and secession is constitutional. So people think I’m a loon ..what do I know.

Thanks ..!

Bill Robertson said...

That’s true ..fees are much higher and cover so much more. When they call it tuition ..that means private to me. Thanks

ecelliam said...

The reason that I don't believe that some of these people understand what "Socialism" means is because a lot of them are on SS,Medicare, the VA Medical system, and even welfare, the same ones that are screaming this addministration is socialist. it is apperant to me that they do not understand what it means. they cream what ever the TEA thing says, in total ignorance.

Bill Robertson said...

Brilliant observation my friend, you see it as it is ..a misconception. I’m too quick to call it hypocrisy. Thanks!

I also hear people unthinkingly screaming ‘socialism’ ..and whatever else Rush Limbaugh says

Shimmerrings said...

It made me cringe when my own beautiful, intelligent, and highly motivated niece went on about socialism, on fb, when Obama spoke to our children in school. It saddened me, really, because I know in her youth and "dare I say" ignorance, she was just parroting what the main stream bible thumping conservatives were throwing around. What's more, I knew there was nothing I could really do about her ideas, because they weren't based on anything substantial, which meant that she wasn't really open to truth... just brain washing. I almost asked her the definition of socialism... but then felt I should leave it alone, fb not being a place to confront a family member's political/religious views. I have no earthly idea how I ended up with this family of mine, god bless 'em.

Bill Robertson said...

I don’t know how old your niece is ..but children learn by modeling their parents. Older adults who parrot Rush Limbaugh is another story.

Shimmerrings said...

She's about 19 or 20... just finished her sophomore year. Her grandfather, my brother, is a fundamentalist type minister... enough said.