Wednesday, July 21, 2010

my suspicion

(warning: movie-spoiler for the film ‘Shutter Island’)

Rick commented to me, saying “’s easy to tell who the mental lightweight is” when referring to someone who ‘saw the movie’ vs. someone who also ‘read the book’. We were talking about ‘Slaughterhouse five’. I disagreed saying that watching a good movie is just as stimulating as reading a good book. Both require equal amounts of mental activity in order to make sense of the story. I even think people are more critical movie-watchers than book-readers. While watching movies, I find myself supplying information that the moviemakers leave out, in order to bridge scenes and re-construct narrative. What doesn’t fit or isn’t resolved to my satisfaction by the end of a movie ..I recognize as speculation and throw it out. If it’s critical to understanding the story ..I blame the moviemakers for leaving it out ..and have fun trashing the film with friends afterward. Not so much with books. I know when I’m talking to somebody about a book I’ve read, and they have a different interpretation’s much harder to convince me that mine is wrong matter how delusional I may be. We were also talking about the movie ‘Shutter Island’. The ending lends itself to competing interpretations. The main character, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, could either be a policeman investigating a crime at a psychiatric hospital ..or a patient confined to the psychiatric hospital. I choose to believe he was a policeman only because the film showed him arriving on the island by boat. I also knew it required an awfully elaborate conspiracy theory, on my part, to support it. Rick thought he was a patient. When I asked why ..he described how events, which lead me to think he was a policeman, were actually simulated by doctors to bring him back to reality. It was easy for me to discard my elaborate theory in favor of his much simpler explanation. When I mentioned this to someone else, they confirmed that it was that way in the book as well. I still don’t know who the lightweight is ..but I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s me.


Shimmerrings said...

The movie had me going. Would LOVE to read the book. I kept going back and forth with my ideas about what was really going on. I believe he was a cop, too... the very last scene sorta sealed that for me.

Shimmerrings said...

... on the other hand, lol... see what I mean??? ...

Bill Robertson said...

BOL ..! Yes I do ..I know exactly what you mean.


Bill Robertson said...

It certainly had me going back and forth ..I think I just wanted to settle the matter. I catch myself doing this more at the movies than I do while I'm reading. Makes me think I'm more inclined to believe what I read than what I see ..if that makes any sense.

thanks again