Sunday, August 24, 2008

Through the looking glass

I wake up to the fragrance of incense, baked cookies and ganja drifting through my bedroom window ~ I throw on some overalls, splash water on my face, pop a couple chewable vitamin C and go investigate ~ my neighbor is playing a wooden flute while a member of his band gently strums a guitar. I'm reminded of meditation time at the Ashram ~ with a twist ~ without words I sit and listen ~ feeling hypnotized ~ Anahstasia passes me a bowl ~ I breathe in deeply and close my eyes ~ a note is struck on a cymbal and the music moves in another direction ~ I follow ~ letting go of my plans for the day ~ I sit and watch them fade away ~ the cymbal rings again and the music moves in a different direction ~ then suddenly ~ flash ~ We’re walking through the redwood trees on cold springs trail ~ I feel like I passed through the looking-glass ~ and popped out here ~ good thing I slipped on a pair of Merrells this morning ~ I try to mention this but my lips are numb and my tongue is heavy ~ I hear their children laughing from the tree limbs above ~ and I’m reminded of the elves of Lothlorien ~ the stewards of the forest appear ahead ~ smiling and welcoming us to join them in a drum circle ~ I bow in greeting and find a place to sit ~ hoping this isn’t a test or something because I don’t know anything ~ and there wasn't time to study.


Shimmerrings said...

How very enchanting... what a way to be awakened. Incense, alone, can put me in some sort of majical mood... most likely, from association. To live and exist so freely, as I did when I was young, music, first thing in the morning... taking a journey such as your own... thanks for passing the bowl around :)

Shimmerrings said...

...awwwhhh... and what a beautifully warm face you have... what warm, crinkly eyes, what wonderful smile! Thank you for sharing that, it feels like home...

Red said...

Dang, wish we could all wakw up like that. *Let's all shove Lee out of his house and we all take over...they will never know the difference*

Lee said...

Shimmerrings ~ enchanting ~ i like that ~ thank you ~ sounds like an antidote to serious.

and you're making me blush ~ thanks again ~ ;)

Lee said...

*oh, they’ll know the difference ~ they’ll consider it an improvement ~ ;) *