Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Another newspaper article caught my attention [link]. Dr. Ariely, a noted economist, cites a landmark study in behavioral science to support his call for more government regulation. While I’m neither for nor against regulation ~ he chose to misinterpret a study I’m familiar with ~ and I need something to write about ~ so bear with me ~ there's a point here somewhere. In 1965, researchers discovered that lab animals, who experience a sequence of uncontrollable events, do not learn future tasks as well as their peers with no such experience. They called this condition ‘learned helplessness’. So now, according to Dr. Ariely, learned helplessness is the reason why Americans are not responding realistically to current economic conditions. Over the last decade, we’ve experienced too many uncontrollable shocks ..things like the Internet crash and the housing collapse. What we need now are more ‘government planners’ to circumvent these things for us. I don’t know, for some reason this doesn’t sound like the proper antidote ~ and ~ pay attention ~ because here's where Dr. Ariely parts ways with the scientific community: the investigators originally working on learned helplessness, discovered that it mimics depression ..and began looking for ways to alleviate it. They found that it takes only a few successes, in situations that people previously considered insurmountable, to restore confidence ..and foster a sense of resilience to future setbacks. Since I don’t think we’re going to eliminate setbacks anytime soon, resilience seems like a far better antidote to feelings of helplessness than government regulation.


Shimmerrings said...

We aren't responding realistically? I'd say realistically is the only way we can respond to this nightmare! (save a little irresponsible craziness as a circumvention to suicide) We need some circumvention, alright, and the best antidote for that would be get those freaking republicans outta there right away. We can do it, yes we can! Hope springs anew... don't dash the hopes, it's all we have to keep us going, eh?

Shimmerrings said...

... sorry... didn't mean to be so "political"... I just finished watching the convention, it sparked some energy in me :s

Lee said...

Shimmerrings ~ No apologies necessary ..!
I watched Obama’s speech last night and I was inspired too ..! He is a clear example of how to succeed in life ~ in spite of what government does. I applaud his speech, but, most of all ..I admire his life story.

Thank you so much for your comment ..and message of hope.