Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Frontier logic

When the Big Sur fire burned down to ‘Apple Pie Ridge’ ~ just above town ~ a couple of locals stopped it. The Curtis brothers set a controlled burn which saved their home ~ and created a firebreak that spared the town. A fire captain told them they did a great job ~ a crew chief said their work was ‘awesome’ ~ then a forestry official had them arrested ~ saying only firefighters are allowed to do that. Now, I’m no Joe-Frontiersman ~ but I think the Curtis brothers had it right ~ if there’s a fire threatening my house ~ and no firefighters around to save it ~ I believe that makes me the Deputy.


Red said...

And if I am not mistaken, one of them is going to jail/prison. Hmmm, something wrong with this picture.

When did it become a crime to save your home, and yet rapists and drug dealers are out honing their skills. don't even get me started.

Shimmerrings said...

Authority's ego always takes presidence over good sense... how sad...

Lee William said...

Shimmerrings ~ how true ..another case of the ego conquering common sense and compassion ..and how sad

Lee William said...

Red ~ That’s right ..one went to jail and was released the same day ..he’s due in court at the end of the month ..I think this is a situation where the rulebook does not apply.

Ande said...

Yes, I have also noticed how the state fears when people interpret the law themselves. It doesn’t matter what has been done, the crime is as always to dare to go outside the boundaries of the state; what if people discovered they didn’t needed it?

Lee William said...

Interesting ..! fear of anarchy is what they keep telling me ~ I think it’s fear of a culture that is so far from the seat of government that, I believe, California (along with Oregon and Washington) will one day succeed from the union

Ande said...

The west coast has a beautiful culture of its own.

It reminds me of regions which has grown in independence by belonging to my home union -the European.
These regions have long struggled (often violently) to become independent from a somewhat oppressive state. Now when we all belong to this loose super state, the local authorities suddenly recognize them as semi independent. Of course, even though EU is much more loosely bond then the USA no one has ever dared to exit it.

Lee, let’s hope the history of the civil war don’t repeat if the day comes for the West soast of the US to be independent.

Lee William said...

I absolutely agree, I wasn’t thinking of a repeat of the civil war ~ but the idea of a looser federation of states ~ like the EU ~ sounds intriguing ~ you’ve given me something to think about ~ thanks Ande ..!