Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cyber space

I instant message a group of friends ~ we meet on MySpace ~ go to MyRoom ~ watch videos on YouTube ~ drink a case of Ethernet beer ~ and watch our blood alcohol levels sky-rocket on a WindowsIndexBox. After crushing beer cans on top of our avatar-image heads ~ we stumble down MyStreet ~ hijack a transport pod ~ take it to ~ blow up a couple of virtual oil tankers (you can actually do that) ~ then watch gas prices soar on a WindowsIndexBox. We lay down on a sandy beach ~ and listen to Priscilla Ahn play the ukulele song on iTunes. I feel wasted and I can't find my way home.


sky-walkyria said...

I dreamed I was alive
and my dream keep me awake...

Lee William said...

keep dreaming and staying awake ..

Shimmerrings said...

The things we do... :O