Thursday, April 24, 2008

Crazy Charlie (continued from below)

He beat the rap ..the cops just wanted to know if he was OK ..or if they were dealing with a homicide or something. The driver had no idea who Charlie was ..he’d picked him up hitchhiking. Now, I’ve known Charlie since I was in college ..when he was a Vietnam vet going to school on the GI bill ..and I was a kid fresh out of high school without a clue. Charlie was studying psychology because he wanted to understand some of the things the army had put in his case file before he was discharged. I told him I’d like to see some of those things too. So, one day he brought it to school for me to read. It said things like: “..subject suffers from unresolved Oedipal complex and separation anxiety ..which accounts for distrust of authority.” I thought; man, this sounds medieval has no relevance to modern-day psychology ..and makes no mention of ‘post-traumatic-stress’ ..which, I suspected, was a lot more relevant to Charlie’s case. I may not have known much back then ..but I could clearly see that Charlie was still fighting a war.


Shimmerrings said...

I love the study of psychology... but, like all good things, it can be used in ignorant and abusive ways. I think the whole arena of it is changing... at least I hope so. If not, it should be.

Lee William said...

I love the study of psychology too ..

discoveries were made in the seventies and eighties that revolutionized the field ..we’re only now seeing them being put into practice actually takes that long for new ideas to be generally accepted

Shimmerrings said...

You are so right. Myself, I like the idea of incorporating one's spirituality with psychology... though I'm told one isn't supposed to talk about "religion" and such in counseling... I don't see how one can separate oneself from "spirit" and expect to come out whole. And I don't really mean religion, persay.

Lee William said...

that’s right have to look at the whole person ..actively, without theorizing or relying on something you read in some diagnostic manual like a thousand years ago ..