Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Sensory synesthesia

Around the end of it’s broadcast day, my brain starts mis-directing information from my senses ..and begins sending sound waves to my visual centers. Suddenly voices around me are glowing like sunshine illuminates the room with shimmering hues of magenta and indigo ..I go outside where I ‘see’ a ‘birdsong’ spin around my head like a twirling dervish ..a dog barks in secret code ..and the swoosh of nearby traffic reaches my deck like waves crashing on the beach.
Note:Sensory synesthesia is a real experience shared by everyone is a necessary part of reading comprehension. If you are interested in seeing another post on the subject, click here ~>Synesthesia


elise said...

very interesting, that is something i would love to experience. the most vibrant of colours showcasing the most vibrant of songs...

did you know you and i have been comment buddies for a year or so??

Lee William said...

Is that right ..? Well, thank you for your patronage ..! I love the way you translate your inner world into words poetic.

As for synesthesia ..every new word you ‘read’ is a cross-sensory event has to be converted to ‘sound’. It’s really a magical event. I attended rock concerts with light shows during my formative years I see music in psychedelic patterns

msb said...

glad your back

identity crisis said...

If you are of the Christmas celebrating persuasion I do hope you have a good one.

Shimmerrings said...

I understand this from a spiritual standpoint... it would seem that all spiritual happenings, such as we understand and identify them, have a basis in chemistry (energy) and wiring (energy)... indeed... but, trying to wrap my brain around this one... I mean, we've all heard that song, Colors of The Wind, which resonated within me, deeply... to see the colors of the wind... do you see/hear this way all the time, now, in concerts? Do you think that you tapped into something and awakened it? Or rewired something? Yes, I've seen colors from energy, before... but never from sound...