Saturday, November 24, 2007

Indian summer

I’m sitting on the beach watching the waves break and thinking ~ there’s a current out there ~ and I’m gonna ride it ~ I’ll start at the beginning ~ body boarding in Tahiti ~ then I’ll get on a plane and follow it north to Hawaii ~ catch it breaking on a beach in Maui ~ from there I’ll fly to the mainland ~ catch it breaking on a beach in Southern California ~ go see my sister ~ pick up my Alfa ~ speed up the coast ~ catch it again on a beach somewhere in Northern California ~ if I still detect a pulse ~ I’ll board a plane so I can watch that swell pound the coast off a point in the Gulf of Alaska ~ because maybe then I’ll feel ~ and not just think ~ but really feel ~ the rhythm of the sea ~ and the rest of the planet.


Steven Harper said...

Maybe... just maybe, if we could do what I believe you are suggesting— riding the current until we know (really know) the rhythum of the sea and rest of the planet. We would have to do what your suggesting without the plane... instead with the current itself taking us from place to place, moment to moment... but then again???

Lee William said...

..I would love to know what it feels like to sail around the world.