Tuesday, December 18, 2012


In 19th Century China, one man claiming to be the brother of Jesus Christ started the Taiping Rebellion ..a bloody civil war, which led to the fall of the last Chinese dynasty. More recently, a fellow by the name of Zhao Weishan founded a movement known as The Eastern Light, which has evolved into a group called The Almighty God. They have over 1 million members and prophesize the end of the world on December 21, 2012. Because China has no established religion, people tend to believe in wild rumors. Sales of survival pods have been brisk. Last Friday, one of their members ran through a schoolyard and slashed 23 schoolchildren with a machete. They attribute this act to someone “ ..under the influence of doomsday beliefs.”  I guess delusion knows no boundary.


Kiran palwasha said...

As the day have passed now, but i still wonder at why every body was talking about that rumor of doomsday on 21st december? I even couldn't get any scientifically proof of that. How we can say when and where the doomsday will come? None of us know about it.

Bill Robertson said...

That’s right ..nobody knows. Those who aren’t comfortable with uncertainty make things up. Apparently the Mayan calendar ended on 21st Dec, 2012. But they didn’t prophesize the end of the world. Modern-day superstition I suppose.