Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Age of Inception

From the moment “Inception” was released, polls have shown that it’s appeal is split along generational lines. Many “older” moviegoers hate the film while younger people have nothing but good things to say about it. According to Henry Jenkins, a professor of cinema at USC, this has everything to do with video game experience. He says “Inception is first and foremost a movie about worlds and levels, which is very much the way video games are structured.” While I agree that gaming experience may be a factor, I’d say a bigger reason is that members of prior generations don’t understand, or accept the film’s premise. As DiCaprio’s character describes it, conscious experience is not a literal transcript of the world, but an ongoing process of virtual construction by the mind. Although this premise has scientific merit, it is not widely known or embraced by the majority of tradition-bound Americans.

Dr Jenkins’ reply ~>[link]


Elise said...

I agree!

And I loved the movie...did you?

Bill Robertson said...

I loved it ..!

wanted to sit through the next showing ..but had to go have dinner ..convinced myself that popcorn has nutritional value ..but the others disagreed ..

Shimmerrings said...

I guess this goes right along with the "create your own reality" concept... but that idea came from the 60's and 70's, didn't it? That would be our generation. Although I was surprised by a comment on the previous thread, that they saw nothing out of the ordinary in the movie... hmmmm... perhaps the older ones, who did not embrace that thinking, back then, or explore it, along with the younger ones, today, who did not walk in that time, cannot conceive of the notion, after all, beyond a ficticious realm. Then again, perhaps our generation was delusional... :0

Shimmerrings said...

I misunderstood the age group you were referring to. I actually don't see too many people, here, of an "older than me" generation going to the movies, so the thought never occured... and I guess I see myself as in that older generation, now. Regarding the youth, I guess that would mean, then, that we have finally arrived.

Bill Robertson said...

Roger that. Houston, we have arrived ..!