Friday, November 10, 2006

Chapter five

      Pathway to illumination
The Fairy Princess scales the steep canyon walls of the disenchanted forest. Along the way, her boots get wet and soggy and her legs ache. She climbs over obstacles using her hands, feet and fingernails. On the slopes of Mount Breakdown she feels a tingling sensation ..bright lights shimmer in her head ..and clusters of sadness fall away. She looks down and pays tribute to the clouds in the valley below. Members of the Goth Fairy Kingdom have a profound reverence for dark places like gorges, caves and grottos. It’s not just a fashion statement or superstitious behavior ..they actually believe that darkness is the mother of all things ..the womb where life begins. She feels exhausted but in tune with the rhythm. She knows that hard times naturally give way to good times a light that shines in a dark place ..they’re co-relative. One doesn’t exist without the other.  Continue here ~~> Chapter six


elise said...

Well written, lee. Felt as though I was climbing, I could see it all.

Thank you for the comment.

Did i tell you that Brooks Institute is in Santa Barbara? Well I just looking into and thought you should know.

Lee William said...

Thank you ..always a pleasure to hear I can re-activate experiences in someone else’s head. What a coincidence; I live almost next door to Brooks ..I love walking through the galleries. I even posted an incident there ..titled ‘Halfway Home’ if you’re interested, it’s at ~~> Halfway home

elise said...

I remember reading that post!