Friday, September 8, 2006

Space cadet

Have you seen the stars tonight ..would you like to go out on the deck and look at them with me ..have you seen the stars tonight ..would you like to go out for a stroll and keep me company ..did you know ..we could go ..any place you can think of ..we can be ..have you seen the stars tonight ..would you like to lay under Andromeda and look at them with me ..did you know we could flow ..we are free to come and go gypsies between starlight villages .. we are wanderers ..children destined to explore.


Lee William said...

photomanipulation by me ..words adapted from a song by paul kantner (have you seen the stars tonight)

elise said...

crazy photo .

very cool.

i always keep my fortune cookies.

NeverEnough said...

"Like gypsies between starlight villages"... God that sounds wonderful!!

it's the little things said...

We've had amazing moonlight in the backyard lately. It always makes me want to go sprinting across the wet grass.
Interesting blog!
I used to be your neighbor...lived in Newbury Park.

Babs said...

She's very convincing.

Lee William said...

Thank you Elise ..! I try to be a poet ..but sometimes other people say it better

Lee William said...

Thank you Jen ..! That was my little ‘contribution’ to the song. You make me feel proud

Lee William said...

Hello neighbor ~ The night sky has that effect on me too ..!

Lee William said...

Babs ~ Yes she is. I need someone to pull me through that steel door every once in a while .. Thank you.