I’m driving 90 mph north on Hwy 101 ..not another car in sight until a red Infinity whizzes by me from out of nowhere. Makes me feel like I’m hardly moving at all. I think infinity ~~> eternity ..there’s a message there somewhere ..what, I don't know. Maybe it's a message from eternity ..telling me that my progress is too slow ..I accelerate to 100 mph. The air is suddenly filled with the scent of manure coming from a nearby farm ..smells like, ummm ..shit, I don't know. Could be a message from the goddess of fertility ..that’s it ..Aphrodite is telling me to get busy .. images of Alicia fill my head ..I tell myself to keep my eyes on the road .. the sky ahead turns blood orange ..sunset mixing with smoke from a forest fire east of here ..110 mph ..Evanescence launches into a hair raising hymn ..120 mph ..tears streak across my face and vaporize. A cosmic panorama opens up in front of me ..there’s nobody here except me and Mr. Infinity.
Beautiful. Like you, I love to evaluate life in anticipation of hidden messages and meaning. Goddess of fertility - I love it!
Love the messages you get from life :)
I want you to live to a ripe old age so I can pick on you like you did me when we were kids !! What do "they" say ... what comes around goes around ... like the infinity logo !
Hey sister Nancy
I am slow, my car is fast ..and what goes around comes around even faster :)
Hey Jen ~ I’m never sure whether they’re messages from life ..or voices in my head .. :)
Thanks little things ..yep, I do believe that everything is connected some how
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