It is becoming more and more apparent that most of my everyday experiences are re-enactments of things from the past. Events that appear to be happening on the outside are actually coming from the inside. Voices on the street are echoes from high school, saying things like: what’s the matter with him ..his hair’s too long ..what a loser. When I’ve been out partying all night ..I still hear my mother’s voice, cold as ice, saying: have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately ..what will the neighbors think. Any kind of financial setback ..and I hear my father's voice telling me to act more responsibly ..making me feel like a child who hasn't quite caught on. When I get stuck in traffic ..I panic ..re-enacting feelings of childhood helplessness. When I approach an attractive woman, I hear the echoes of little Suzy from the third grade going: ‘euwww ..get away’. Just looking at a woman makes my ex-wife appear ..driving by the place we first met brings me to tears ..the place we were married ..more tears. A police siren ..and I hear my Miranda rights. A new movie .. and symptoms of my dysfunctional family appear (I recently saw ‘Little Miss Sunshine’). Science tells us that these everyday experiences are the product of ‘sensory events’ interacting with ‘episodes in memory’. They say that interpretation occurs awfully fast ..beginning somewhere around 250 milliseconds into the sensory event (that’s a quarter of a second). I don't stand a chance of seeing things the way they really are ..it's like I'm looking into mirrors all the time. No wonder I keep going around in circles.
Love the image...nice writing, also. True, true!!!
Beautiful!! I so agree that most things, at this age, are just a reoccurement of our past. Or did I write that correctly? I'm drunk, so who knows. But I loved this post Lee.
I've been living a fictional life ever since I can remember. Or some story has been living me. I'm not quite sure. My mind is a bit slippery.
Thank you anonymous ..!
Dakini (I hope you don't mind me calling you that) ~ The mind is slippery indeed .. somewhere I heard that the mind is a ‘story making device’ and we either write them or live them. I’m not sure which. Intriguing comment. Thank you.
Thank you Jen ~ I know what you mean ..even in our personal lives we repeat the past. I like the word ‘reoccurement’ ~ sounds fitting. I added a little at the end of the post to describe how it effects me personally ..if your interested ..
I don't know about you all, but something as simple as a smell can send me reeling down once-familiar paths. I think life is a continual process of evaluation, and re-evaluation. And then re-evaluation again...
PS And thanks for the link!
Evaluation is good ..
mindfulness is also good ..helps catch errors-of-interpretation closer to the point they occur ..kind of like keeping your lenses clean. Thank you for your comments. I like your Texas accent.
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