Looks to me as though drug laws do a better job of warping reality than the drugs themselves. They turn neighborhood suppliers into cartels with enough guns and money to control police departments. Traffickers gun down government officials in the streets of Mexico City ..and stack the heads of narco-agents on the steps of police departments in Vera Cruz. Meanwhile, we spend billions of dollars to fight a ‘war on drugs’ that hasn’t made a dent in the supplies reaching our shore. Misguided drug laws are the culprit ..they make smuggling a high risk venture that commands a high price for it’s contraband ..enriching suppliers ..and exacting a heavy toll on the lives of people trying to stop it. A legal but controlled chain of supply for recreational drugs makes a lot more sense to me. Even former secretary of state George Schultz agrees with this. So, how do you explain why government leaders continue to repeat the same policy over and over again ..without success ? Stupidity ..? Ignorance ..? I mean, we all know that prohibition didn’t work. The only thing left for me to believe is that there’s a political conspiracy keeping these failed drug laws on the books ..it gives people in power another way to persecute their opponents and maintain their position of authority ..regardless of which party they’re in (and I’m not saying this because I’m a conspiracy theorist ..although it helps). For me, the war on drugs is a tragedy on the same scale as the other un-winnable wars we wage.
Those billions of dollars go someware, follow the money.
I think it all should be legal but like uncle just said the billions go somewhere. Not in my pocket. Just because I can't use successfully doesn't mean the whole world has the same problem. Personally, I just can't see the logic of weed being illegal and alcohol being legal. But dope is a better money maker and has the power to control large portions of the population(jails and institutions) than it would if farmer john could just grow it in the back yard. Yikes, I better shut up now.
Hey Uncle John ~ Follow the money indeed ..when I do, I find that it goes to things like crop eradication ..aerial surveillance ..military aid to foreign governments ..helicopters ..subsidies to farmers ..larger police forces ..special forces ..high tech weapons ..task forces ..DEA agents ..prisons ..cost of incarceration ..juvenile justice and court costs ..mandatory sentencing laws ..cost of rehabilitation ..lost wages ..cost of troops in Columbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey ..drug testing ..zero-tolerance policies ..Colombia's 40-year-old civil war ..jungle military bases ..ineffective media campaigns ..untold human misery ..the Rico laws ..government bureaucracy .. and government bureaucracy ..and more government bureaucracy ..and on and on .. I’m sure there’s waste, corruption and payoffs all along the way ..but I believe that, even if every cent of the money went directly to eradicating drugs ..it wouldn‘t make the slightest difference in the amount people ship and consume.
Thanks for stopping by ..I appreciate chatting with you .. :)
Dakini ~ Exactly ..it’s illegal because of the power it has to control people ..! And not only with the threat of jail ..but also with the consequence to political careers ..in addition to the money being made by the government off of ‘asset forfeiture’ provisions.
Thanks for your comment ..!
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