Saturday, May 26, 2007

Chain reaction

I’m afraid that the war in Iraq is starting a chain reaction that could lead to the downfall of the United States. Conventional warfare neither combats nor deters terrorism. Consequently, US military strength is no longer feared ..and terrorism is going to bleed us to death. The brilliant war strategist Sun Tzu once said that the commander who does not understand his enemy certain to be defeated. Iraq has shown me that we do not understand terrorism. The war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror ..but, this misconception has resulted in a vicious cycle of war ..followed by terrorist activity ..troop escalation .. followed by more terrorist activity. Furthermore, like a dog chasing it’s tail ..the government we are fighting to support in Iraq the source of the insurgents we are fighting to destroy there. The Shiite followers of Muqtada Sadr are now a part of the Iraqi government, in addition to being a major anti-American force. But what scares me even more is what’s happening in Iran. Removing Hussein, and the threat of biological weapons (which turned out to be a bluff) has effectively removed the deterrent that was keeping Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Left unchecked, Iran’s nuclear program could set off an arms race in the region ..which would increase the likelihood of nuclear weapons winding up in the hands of Islamic extremists ..and take suicide bombing to a whole new level.

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