God-awful, gigantic, flesh-eating squid are swarming off the coast of California. They’re so big that, if you made calamari rings out of one of their tentacles ..they’d be as big as tractor tires. What‘s more, they don’t limit their diet to fish ..they will devour human flesh just as fast as a school of piranha. I always thought that ‘monster squids’ ..the kind that could crush ships and eat people ..were myths ..the things that horror stories were made of. Apparently not ..they’ve been around a long time ..but only in water so deep we never see them. That’s changed. Pollution and agricultural run-off have tilted the balance in their favor. By depleting the ocean of oxygen, water at the surface is beginning to resemble water in the deep ..allowing these foul creatures to rise up ..escape the grasp of their natural predators and multiply like crazy. They’ve been piling up on beaches in San Diego, Orange County and Palos Verde. I guess that means it won’t be long before I see them in the waters off the coast of Santa Barbara and Monterey ..joining the ranks of all the other horrors that populate my nightmares.
is that true? goodness gracious!
oh my god, and I thought jelly fish were scary...(I'm a chicken)
elise ~ yes it is ..there's probably not as many as I make them out to be ..and the ones on the surface are much smaller ..the only attacks i've heard of were in the sea of cotez ..off of baja ..so i guess it's safe to go out in the water ..chilling as that might seem these days ..
cookie ~ jelly fish are scary too ..they're horribly painful
There seems to be some poetic justice in that fried calamari is one of my favorite foods...and now they are seeking revenge.
I heard years ago that squid are monogamous, and during an experiment where the female was separated from the male underwater in a plastic bag, they he would go crazy in trying to get to her...
Little things ~ kkkkarma ..I love fried calamri too ..now I wonder how many soul-mates I've eaten
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