The ringing in my ears turns into an air raid siren heart starts racing and the room is spinning. I stumble downstairs ..check my laptop for messages ..then pop a provigil and a shower. I pick up a large cup of coffee at Muddy Waters ..which empties onto the passenger seat a few blocks later ..I pick up another one at Starbucks. I duck into IHOP with Adrian ..spread the contents of the newspaper on the table ..order a stack of German pancakes ..and wash them down with grapefruit juice and the Starbucks coffee. It says here that ‘shock jocks’ show just how low social values can go. I disagree. I think they show how low someone’s ‘verbal inhibitions’ will go ..especially when they’re rewarded so highly for broadcasting the first thought that crosses their mind every second of the day.
and he'll be on pay radio in no time flat now that he has become famous.
oh, of that you can be sure ..and I can still change stations .. :)
Interesting. Your following post describing thought disorder may be applicable here. "Shock Jocks" likely have a thought disorder but are rewarded for it. Isn't it all about restraint, choosing other options, solving problems in a constructive manner, rather than a destructive manner? Doesn't anyone who creates controversy by acting and/or speaking without thought, have a thought disorder? From simple foot in mouth to deranged maniac...they are all missing the switch that tells them..."Hey wait...this isn't a good thought/idea. Don't say it. don't do it. There is a better way." How does that happen?
That’s true ..screening is a big part of a healthy mind. However, I’m not sure it’s a ‘thought disorder’ when some people do it less than others least not clinically ..where ‘thought disorder’ is used to refer to more serious problems delusions and fabrications ..which seem to apply to Cho. Imus, on the other hand, has learned to willfully lower his verbal screen when he’s in the broadcast studio ..which could actually be considered a skill when you look at how rewarding it’s been for him to sound-off day after day ..regardless of how stupid or hurtful.
Right, we are just dots on the ever fluctuating and morphing bell curve of human behaviour - and we are not static dots either.
yeah ..I like to think of myself as the fluctuating space inside the dot .. ;)
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