I think my neighbor needs an exorcist for her teenage daughter ..while I don’t believe in medicating troubled adolescents ..it's gone way beyond a ‘talking cure’. Yesterday she took her mother’s new BMW for a joyride ..without permission ..and smashed it into a tree on a winding road. The car was totaled but fortunately no one was hurt. I drove the daughter, Aria, home while her mother rode with the police officer. Aria was in the twilight zone, as you might imagine ..but she did manage to tell me what her two biggest concerns were: “I wonder what my mom is telling the cop ..” and “I don’t want to go to jail”. I tried to assure her that she wouldn’t go to jail for this ..although things could get awfully tense around the house ..she might prefer jail. She didn’t laugh ..instead she went on to explain that one of the conditions of her probation was that she not drive. I asked, probation for what .. bad driving ..? No, for assaulting an officer. Did you slap him ..? No. I kicked him. Like, in the shins ..? (I’m thinking traffic stop). No, in the face .. I knocked him on the ground first. Was he giving you a ticket ..did he get out of line ..? No, it was at the police station ..he grabbed my arm before I could kill my mother. Turns out she was being released to the custody of her mother .. after being held for assaulting her mother ..and when mom arrived ..Aria attacked her in the lobby of the police station. It took three officers to restrain her. Although Aria is only 16 ½ years old ..she’s six feet tall ..athletic and well-ribbed ..with the temper of a mad bull ..she regularly uses her mom as a punching bag ..and trashes the inside of their house so often that the building department has condemned it ..the mother has been staying at her office (she’s an architect) ..while Aria stays with the only boyfriend she hasn’t beaten up ..at least not yet anyway.
must have been a little tense in the car...
i would be afraid she would try to beat me up while driving her!
brave soul zen man.
and I thought they were rough at 6, jesus... this is the kind of thing that makes me really nervous about that whole growing into teenagers part
it was tense ..but only because of what just happened ..i think she was too busy beating herself up to do anyone else damage
Cookie ~ don’t be ..i think it’s different for everyone
Teenage years are like nothing else.
Little things ~ What is the book that starts off with the words ‘it was the best of times ..it was the worst of times’ ?
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