Monday, July 24, 2006

Jen in color

Note: Fooling around with color. You can see the genuine article by clicking here ~>Jen’s blog


elise said...

oh but the maniacs screams are so convincing.
how could you ignore them.

is this a b/w photo colored?

Lee William said...

A screaming maniac my sound convincing ..even alarming ..but certainly not rational. I try to ignore them by not giving them any credence.

NeverEnough said...

Holy shit!! I just saw this. I love you Lee...

Come visit me when you in Atlanta next time and take some real pictures, because you are such an artistic photographer that I would LOVE to be your little project for a day.

Lee William said...

Jen ~ I'd be delighted. If you want to see more projects on 'ordinary images' in the 'links' section

Babs said...

OooooI love the choices green with lavender blues.