I have my own theory about treating mental illness ..if you want to contain the deranged ..put them in a bigger container ..just as many people recover on a large stretch of sandy beach as they do in a mental institution. Now, I can use a padded cell just as much as the next person ..but I prefer a sandy beach. Which is more or less the reason I live where I do. It’s therapeutic. I don’t remember the last time I drove on anything wider than a two lane road. A town farther north like Santa Cruz would be nice ..but I don’t want to push a good thing ..besides, life follows me where ever I go and I wind up just as intolerable in the next place ..ask anyone. Maybe a psychotic breakdown is healthy every once in a while ..it’s like a new perspective ..I think Eastern mystics would call it visionary. I grew up to the sounds of women screaming (five sisters ..go figure). I still hear them when there’s no one around. I scream back occasionally. Hey, no matter how many times a coyote hears a siren ..it howls back. The spirits of Nopal Canyon are getting angry ..everybody here acts like they own the place ..when in reality .. we’re all just passing through .. living in temporary shelter made out of bones. We’re the nomads of skeleton land. I hate crows ..and they know it. That’s why they gather outside my bedroom window and screech all day. What really worries me though is when tree limbs crash through my skylight. I hate to think of what that means. It’s all connected though. The spirits know. The traffic grows silent ..a siren wails ..police chase me for sport ..I pull over and traffic roars by like a freight train. I drive on the shoulder until I come to an off ramp ..and disappear down the side streets. I don’t need to run away to another northern town ..it’s me that I need to find sanctuary from.
I also have a thing with crows. I work with a woman who is psychic and ia also Hawaiian. She believes in spirits manifesting themeselves in nature as the teachers for our spiritual lives, if we are wise enough to listen. She worried about me and the crows. They would only (lots of them ,outside my windows in high trees at the third floor level)come when I was in the office. I liked their shiny black bodies. No. I LOVED them. I craved their noisy attention. One tried to fly into me straight through the glass. I have let go of a lot of "things" lately. Some dark, very sad energy. I am starting to give and recieve positive energy in my life. The crows are no longer with me. I think they come to remind us not to harbour too much darkness.
Love and light to you, my friend.
I wish i could write and speak clearly about the things that run through my mind.
my sir, I am the same way, slight freak outs... my sister happened to mention to a friend about my screaming fits.
basically I just wanted to comment. I completely connect with this post...
good-day mr.lee
I will stop fighting with the crows and try listening more ..I’m always glad when people listen to me ..as strange as I might sound.
I would love to be a lunatic on a sandy beach. When is it opening?
Damn that's good. It really is OURSELVES that we need to escape from...
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