Monday, July 10, 2006

Cosmic Charlie

Sometimes while I’m working in Photoshop ..I’ll accidentally lose a layer ..and everything I’ve done since then will be floating around disconnected from anything I’d done before. It's like what happens when layers of my memory get peeled away and I become disconnected from anything that went on before Robinson Caruso ..even my present surroundings look unfamiliar. I walk down State Street for the millionth time ..and it’s like the first time. I have no clue what’s coming next. Without memories, I have no way of putting together an image of what lies ahead. The pavement dissolves ..and I advance unhinged ..without a script. Someone materializes and says hi ..looks at me for a moment and passes by. Anyone who looks that sweet is always passing by. But, hey memories expectations ..if border guards stop me out here ..I have no baggage ..nothing to claim or deny. That’s what I like about Photoshop helps me see things unhindered by my usual way of looking at them. And if any of this makes sense need to take a break from Photoshop too.

1 comment:

Babs said...

Oh No! Please don't take my photoshop awaaayay! Maybe you need a break from your memories and MORE photoshop!