My head is so empty I can see clear through it today ..I'm having trouble hitting the right keys on the laptop ..and I can't think of anything to say. Yesterday I was staring out the window when a rainbow appeared ..stretching from the ocean to the mountains. I thought, well now that’s a good sign ..a sign of what ..I don’t know ..but it seemed ‘provident’. Today I’m waiting by the window for another one to appear ..I mean, the conditions are the same. I want to see if I'm ‘in tune’ with the elements ..whatever that means. It never showed. I waited until sunset. How disappointing. I guess being ‘in tune’ with the elements means being open to whatever happens ..and not just what I think is going to happen ..now I’m having trouble enjoying the sunset.
I feel so much like this right now Lee...
yeah ..it happens from time to time.
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