You’re it ..no I’m not, you missed ..it’s my ball ..you were over the line .. run Caylib runnnn ..too late ..he’s out ..he’s out ..no I’m not ..no I’m not ..yes you are ..yes you are ..uh huh ..uh huh ..are too ..are too ..gimme my ball back ..run Inez runnn ..owwww ..you didn’t have to chuck it so hard ..now you’re it ..no I’m not ..you said time out ..no I didn’t ..yes you did ..no I didn’t ..yes you did ..yes I did ..no you didn’t ..gotcha ..no ..mean yes you did ..what an idiot Simon ..take that back ..I can’t take back that you’re an idiot ..Ryyyan, take it back ..idiot ..I’m telling mom ..go ahead ..look a rabbit ..a rabbit ..where ..over there ..there’s no rabbit ..yes there is ..it went under the bushes ..you’re full of ..hey ..gimme back my ball ..you fell for it ..
If only the game of life is THAT straightforward and simple as a child's play; but I guess it's us adults who make the world so complicated as it is.
Still, adults are just children at heart; the only thing that sets them apart from children are they have bigger and more expensive toys to play with, that's all!
Oh how I miss being a child.
thanks you guys ..i wrote what i actually heard through the window while children were playing
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