Saturday, July 29, 2017


Pet is a love story between two people who experience love in totally different ways. Holly experiences love as a bolt of lightening …that only strikes the other person. What it brings her is relief from feeling alone and 'unlovable', which is how she has felt most of her life. But the relief is short-term. It only lasts until they breakup or the other person does something to betray her …like cheat. For Holly, love isn’t what she gives …it’s what she gets …like self-worth. Seth experiences love as something he feels and has  available to give to another. It's not a bolt of lightening that happens all at once but something that develops slowly over time. Love is  work and  requires sacrifice.   When you think about it, they're the ideal couple. However, one of them is a homicidal psychopath while the other appears somewhere on the autistic spectrum. One couldn’t hurt a fly while one has the other locked in a cage against their will.

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