Blue is the warmest color (2013): A revealing look at sexual identity in a coming-of-age story that follows the arc of two young lovers. Adèle is a 17-year-old high-school student whose classmates gossip constantly about boys. She dates a boy for a while but is ultimately dissatisfied and breaks it off ..thinking there’s something wrong with her. She begins feeling attracted to other girls, which puts her at odds with her classmates. She approaches a girl at school, which doesn’t go anywhere, then a woman at a lesbian bar .. which does. The woman is Emma, a graduating art student. In the years that follow, the two women live with each other as lovers. Adèle finishes school and joins the teaching staff at a local elementary school, while Emma tries to move forward with her painting career. Adèle feels ill at ease among Emma’s intellectual friends; and Emma belittles her teaching career, encouraging her to find fulfillment in writing, Adèle enjoys playing the stereo-typically feminine role in their relationship but Emma becomes physically and emotionally distant. They gradually begin to realize how little they have in common.
Break up Cafe
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