Do California wineries really pack cow-horns full of cow manure and crystals, then plant them at various locations selected by a Shaman, during the autumnal equinox ..? Yes they do. Is that the whole story ..? No it’s not, otherwise I’d have to agree with folks from out-of-state who call us loco. No wait, I may have to agree with them anyway. The point is, manure from dairy cows is superior to shit from horses or chickens. Why?
“Because a dairy cow has an unequaled digestive process which is enhanced by cosmic life-giving forces in her hooves and horns that enable the nitrogen in her manure to rekindle life within the earth.”>
Does the story end there ..? No, otherwise I really would have to concede lunacy. The story continues:
“When vintners dig up the horns six months later, they find the manure transformed into a dark, rich, moist substance that smells surprisingly sweet and earthy. Then they mix it with water and spray it over the crops like regular fertilizer.”
Does it work ..? Research is slim, but it has been practiced in Bavaria since 1924, when Austrian scientist Rudolf Steiner introduced biodynamicsto the farming industry. I mean, there’s good reason why Bavaria scores the most stellar dairy products on the planet.
Information courtesy of the folks at
Barefoot Winery
I never knew that... the spray mixture... interesting...
mmooooo to you too,
i remember about burying horns with crystals ..didn't know 'bout the spraying.
I didn't even know about that... the crystals...
lol, yea ..the crystals are unique to California. The original recipe didn't call for them. They're supposed to collect the energy of the place.
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