Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday morning

The telephone rings, waking me from catatonic deep-sleep. There’s no way I can reach the phone before it goes to machine “Bill, it’s Amanda ..can you come over .. they want to run a sewer line through ..” but I’m already up and don’t catch the rest of the message. I’m putting on overalls and wondering who the hell wants to start excavating, thinking the canyon’s gotten way too crowded can’t even put an extra bathroom without crossing over someone else’s property ...shit, I’ll wake up Dr Jones, he’ll know what to do. I remind myself to wait until I hear the whole story before going defensive, but I think the dominoes are starting to fall. I’ll blame it on Don ..he still refuses to give Aaron easement rights. Son of a bitch. I’ve never gotten an urgent message from Amanda before. I tap-out my usual drum-solo on her door. She answers, whispering because the baby’s asleep. I tell her I got the message and ask who the culprits are ..(?) She tells me she didn’t call ..(!?) I stand there uncomprehending. She laughs and says I must’ve been dreaming, and asks if I actually checked my messages. I refuse to answer on grounds it may give her reason to call the county ..and walk away feeling shook. I’m afraid my dreams are becoming way too literal.


Shimmerrings said...

At first I wanted to laugh (and I did, big grin)... then it was like oh my god! And I don't even dream anymore. Yeah, they say we always do, right? But I haven't remembered a dream in quite a few years. What's worse?

Bill Robertson said...

worse could mean not having any dreams for the future ..

Shimmerrings said...

oooohhhh... that's a good one...

Bill Robertson said...

What is the nature of your website ..?