Friday, July 31, 2009

Weekend anarchists

I run into a couple of girls who don’t look much older than eighteen, sitting on the wall outside of Trader Joes. They’ve got flowers in their hair and packs on their back. Nicole and Ellie. I ask them where they’re heading and they tell me they're unsure. Nicole explains how they are ‘anarchists’ ..and they’re going wherever that may lead. She certainly makes a well-articulated case. So, I ask them where they’ve been. Oh, San Francisco ..San Jose ..Monterey Bay. So I go “Heading south, are you?” (thinking ..what an obvious question) Nicole goes “Yep”. I tell them I think north is preferable (not to mention safer) than LA. They shrug. I tell them about places where they can camp in the woods around Santa Cruz and Big Sur. They were just there. When I mention the community of Esalen; Nicole says they found refuge there after she hurt her foot while hiking down a trail to the beach. In addition to being anarchists, they’re licensed massage therapists ..and were able to stay for a couple of days, giving massages in exchange for food and lodging (Esalen, among other things, is known for their massage program). How cool, I say ..bartering is certainly an anarchist thing to do. They didn’t want to stay there much longer however was way too institutional for them. Ellie begins pacing ..then walks into Trader Joes. I continue talking with Nicole .. keeping my eye on Ellie as she strolls down the aisles, filling the pockets of her sweater with supplies. When I see that she’s about to leave without paying ..I go inside and convince her that putting it on a stranger’s America Express would definitely be an anarchist thing to do. Back outside, I give them directions to an ‘exchange’ where they can connect with rides. If that fails; there’s a well-lit youth hostel ..even a woman’s shelter, where they can safely spend the night ..moves that, I explain, are about as anarchist as any they’ll find. I think they agree and we part company. Now I’m wondering about them, stepping into the unknown, while I carefully fold clothes and put away groceries at home.


Shimmerrings said...

You're awesome... I hope they will remember that. I'm sure they will.

brad4d said... at a revelatory level is hard for the left brain..they were attractive to your intuitive magic abilities..I get so much support from your stories, thanks

Lee said...

Thank you Shimmerrings ..

Awesome ..nah. I got something out it. I have a daughter. Not so sure they will remember ..they hardly seemed to know what was happening ..they just wanted to get back on the road as soon as possible. However, they did seem fearful that my help was going to cost them.

Lee said...

Hey Brad,

My intuition told me to help them pass through there safely. Their mission was to get through there safely.


brad4d said... 1969 I hitchhiked at LaCumbre Rd. exit on 101 towards Big Sur (& S.F.) after getting supplies and a "Hercules Flip" from Kaiser's health food store when it was still on the corner of State St..

Lee said...


Kaisers was still around when I came to town in 1990.

Did you write about you trip ..? I’d like to read about it.
