Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lifestyle choice

We’re having a lively discussion at the baths tonight, talking about the marijuana dispensaries in town ..and laughing because we can all come up with reasons why we qualify for a prescription. A young athlete, who tweaked her hip while training, says she qualifies .. marijuana helps relax the muscles in her back ..the ones that she uses to compensate for it. Even her physical therapist recommends it. The couple sitting next to me have a valid concern; they say it lowers their ambition and makes it easier for them to blow-off going to the gym in the evening. Sounds like a good observation. Then a young doctor says that it should not be so readily available ..and legalization is really a bad idea “Marijuana is highly addictive” he says “ .. it’s pretty obvious from what I've seen in my practice”. Now, that's a compelling reason if I ever heard one. I tell him I did not know that ..and ask him what sort of withdrawal symptoms he sees (because I do know that the medical definition of ‘addiction’ requires withdrawal symptoms). He looks away and, in a far-off voice, says “Well, none really ..” then looks back and says “It does become part of your lifestyle though ..especially with people I’ve seen in California” Now that strikes a well-frayed nerve in me ..fortunately it’s one that I’m accustomed to people striking, so I’ve learned not to react so fast. I ask him where he’s from. “New York” he replies. I stand up, shake his hand and say “Welcome to the West Coast ..!” and sit back down while the others greet him in a similar manner. Then someone asks what he likes most about living here. “The wine country” he replies ..and holds up a thermos full of Chardonnay.


sky-walkyria said...

addiction to freedom is the worst


Lee said...

I admit some freedoms we think we have ..are illusory.

however, I think addiction to government decision-making is far worst.

sky-walkyria said...

that wasn´t in my list!

Lee said...

Sky ~ my apologies

please tell me how addiction to freedom is a bad thing

sky-walkyria said...

Sorry Lee, I´m used to double sense sentences.
First, it´s the worst addiction but it doesnt mean a bad thing,
you cannot give up the quest for freedom...

second, most people think that their addictions make them free...

I´m addict to freedom and life!

I hope my english is enough to make myself understand...

Lee said...

Sky ~ I agree with you ..take away either one and you will suffer withdrawals .. :)

msb said...

wonder how many car accidents were caused by those high pot smokers, or how many armed robberies were committed by those dang weed addicted druggies could cop a fix. :-O

Lee said...

Hey Dakini ~ probably some accidents ..but not nearly as many as alcohol.

You made me laugh ..thank you

ecelliam said...

How about addiction to Fox news, that has to be the worst, specially if you have to get a fix of Glen Back,

Bill Robertson said...

I've heard of glen Beck is he?

ecelliam said...

If you really want to know, he is extremely white, fat,and plays dumb for money. At all costs, by that I mean all insults he does it for the cash.