There’s an offshore flow ~ I top-off my water bottle ~ grab a towel ~ forget my wetsuit ~ and shoot down Milpas ~ Hendrix blaring. I cut through a construction site ~ drive a mile down Hwy 101 (the reason I do this is another story) ~ get off on Olive Mill ~ and cruise the shoreline ~ it's crystal. I sit on the sand ~ take some deep breaths ~ and venture into the surf. My legs go numb ~ reminding me of the wetsuit I left behind. I dive into an oncoming wave ~ shoot out the other side ~ roll on my back and float ~ looking up at the sky through the elliptical scope of my eyes. My brain freezes. I see Robert in the distance and shout ~ asking him why he’s not skim boarding ~ he shouts back saying there were dolphins out here like ten minutes ago ~ he wanted to get a closer look. Once you’re in ~ you don’t want to get out. The sunset turns the sky bright orange ~ Robert tells me to turn around ~ behind me the sky is like ultra-violet. The water is smooth ~ flowing cohesion ~ I feel calm ~ a sense of renewal washes over me ~ I think back to yesterday ~ and the peaceful revolution we had ~ I salute everyone for a job well done.
Nice... I think we have a reason, and a right... to let that Peace wash over us.
Most definitely ..well said.
I still do not know which I like better, sunrises (which I get to see in Florida) or sunsets, which are seen nicely on our states west coast.
i love watching the sunrise's a cosmic event no matter where you are
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