Jim is furious with me. The closer it gets to election day, the more black and white our thinking becomes. He knows I’m independent ..but socially progressive. To him that’s socialism. Then, like a drop of ink in clear water ..everything turns color. Over the phone, he blames the democrats in congress for the financial mess we’re in. Nothing specific comes to mind so I ask him to explain. Annoyed, he shouts: “you know ..social programs like Fannie Mae”. Being from another generation, it seems like they’ve been around forever ..I Google them and find out they were created in the 1960’s ..and I’m thinking Johnson administration, great society and entitlement programs ..maybe he’s right ..but then, no ..that can’t be ..goes back too far. I go: “Jim, that was forty years ago ..property values have been going up ever since ..what happened ?” He goes: “We have a democratic congress again.” I still don’t see the connection ..so I figure it’s my turn to make up some shit: “Tell you what I think, Jim ..it’s the republican administration’s fault ..they made it easier for banks to make risky loans .. by allowing investment firms (like Lehman Bros.) to buy them and re-sell them in the stock market (I figure, kind of like Fannie Mae ..it let’s the banks off the hook). Silence. “Jim, I think there’s plenty of blame to go around ..” More silence. I’ve crossed the line into irredeemable territory. We end the conversation politely ..but he’s not too pleased with me. I think I need to get one of those books by Dale Carnegie.
Isn't it funny how some people take their politics so personal... I know some people who simply hate those who are on the opposite side, politically speaking. In my humble opinion, it's yet another area in our lives where we are forced to learn acceptance, in order to have peace with our brother. I'm surprised at the number of people who are unable to do that. And the Wheel turns.
I think you’re right ..flexibility is definitely what’s called for .. I know Jim gets angry whenever he’s talking in vague generalities ..and I start diving into specifics. My problem is a compulsion to be right all the time ..which drives other people crazy.
Humor is a good way to soften resistance ..which is the reason why I posted the video. Helps me anyway.
omg... my significant other has that same need to be right... and some distorted need to command whatever is happening around him... leaves the place quite boring for those who, otherwise, might have something to add to the picture... what video? My PC can't see a video anywhere...
I know, I can actually see people yawning ..I'm working on it though. Thanks
My last post is a youTube-like clip ..on top of the page.
I can see the clip, now, thanks! Wild! At least you are working on the "be right" thing... some people won't acknowledge or do anything about it... you go, guy! There is growth in that.
Thanks ..best not to analyze ..just recognize when I'm doing it and gently remind myself to lighten up.
best not to judge..the interview approach nudges people into more honest evaluation, the reference to humor treats the symptom of discouragement with playful ridicule (like the value of money, it may only be half-witted)
the interview approach ..no argument there
humor has also been shown to nudge perspective into more honest territory.
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