Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Slip stream

There’s a stream running through my head. I sit and watch it go by ~ one flashing instance after another. When I try to push it ~ or tweak it ~ I disperse it. Now I’ve got several streams running through my head. I see images of my father holding me on his knee ~ zen master Jisho walks by but can’t stay for tea ~ my neighbor Don appears telling me it’s going to be a good day. I see images of Big Sur smoldering and feel anxious about going. Now I’m trying to peak at instances that haven’t arrived yet. Jisho's voice gently tells me I’m leaning too far ~ but it’s too late ~ I’m tumbling head over heels ~ hoping to land in instances closer to home. Doctor Jones tells me to get a grip ~ I'm having an out-of-sequence experience ~ I see the warning signs ~ curva peligrosa ~ I swerve to avoid them and sirens wail ~ a police car roars by like a freight train. I drive along the shoulder until I come to an off-ramp and disappear down the side streets.


Shimmerrings said...

Did the you see movie slipstream? Crazy movie. And wow, your stuff sounds almost like lucid dreaming... at the very least, the info slipping in seems very much like dream information. Your father's knee is very warm, something that makes you feel safe and loved... you have anxiousness within, Big Sur revealed that even more...I believe we can change our waking reality by working on our dream life and vs.

Sorry to be in out out all the time, I've closed the circle where my energy extends, because I don't have enough energy to be everywhere. Your place made the cut. Hope you don't mind.

The Cooking Lady said...

As long as you stay at Warp 1, you are good to go.

It's me Red.

Lee said...

Shimmerrings ~ Did not see slipstream ~ I do have lucid dreams ~ I try to fly ~ I think I pass through other peoples dreams ~ but only when they are lucid dreaming too.

I added those same feelings about my father ~ then took them out for some reason ~ I’ve been told I need to leave them in more often

You apology is unnecessary ~ not sure what it’s for ~ making the cut makes me feel good though (?) ~ Thanks

Lee said...

Hey Red ~ warp 1 is good advice ~ thanks. This piece feels edgy ~ I almost didn’t post. I appreciate your support.

Shimmerrings said..., I meant vice versa, not vs...

I'm glad you did post this piece, I wanted to say more, but felt I might be entering into personal territory... then again, your posting it was personal, to begin with, as you know.

Wow, on the lucid dreaming stuff! This is all very interesting to me, because Tim and mine's connection was very etherical, we were connected in awesome ways. He was really good at lucid dreaming, in fact, sometimes we don't know where reality ends and dreaming begins... on the other hand, I believe both are reality, one just more tangible than the other... afterall, they are mirror reflections of one another. We shared some moments when we dreamed, together. I wasn't always conscious of them. I've experienced lucid dreaming, but am not able to enter into that state at will.

Lee said...

Shimmerrings ~ Don’t worry about crossing personal boundaries here dear. Friends tell me that my posts are like .. all over the place ~ but they are actually based on personal experience ~ even though it may not sound like it.

I can’t go into lucid dreams at will either ..I just know it when it happens ..but then I don’t use it wisely ..I try to get away with things I can’t do when I’m awake .. I agree with you however ..dream states and waking states have a lot of stuff in common.