Thursday, September 25, 2008


I practice meditation ~ some people tell me that I’m wasting my time ~ what good is sitting doing nothing ~ I’m no expert and I have no answers ~ in fact, sometimes I have my own doubts and stop practicing ~ writing it down is a way of explaining it to myself ~ if reading someone else’s explanation about doing nothing sounds like a waste of time ~ feel free to move on ~ who can blame you. Nothingness is a necessary state for something to happen ~ Buddha said something like this over 2,500 years ago ~ lately, practitioners in the field of neuroscience have been re-discovering the teachings of Buddha ~ I find this strangely reassuring. At the earliest stage of experiencing something ~ nothing is happening. Between each event arriving at the senses ~ the lenses are wiped clean ~ even a simple nerve cell has to return to a neutral state before it can receive and transmit a clear signal to the brain. Buddha taught that the mind and body are in a state of perpetual renewal ~ and that meditation is simply a period of doing nothing to interfere ~ just sitting and watching instances of thought and feeling appear and disappear ~ without judging or criticizing them as they go ~ I find that sitting still and doing nothing is just about the hardest thing in the world to do.


The Cooking Lady said...

I would love to learn the art of meditation. But every time I make thee attmept, I fall asleep.

We have to clear out the cobwebs in order to let real thoughts come in.

Once I am completely healed from my surgery, that is one of the things on my To-do list.

Shimmerrings said...

I'm so fidgety, it's hard for me to sit still for long... though I do tend to go into a meditative state, of sorts, in the outdoors...say, for instance, when the wind is blowing, or when doing a task of some sort. I understand this is not the same thing; however, it seems to be when things flow the most.

Lee said...

Cooking lady ~ You can meditate with your eyes open ..that’ll help ..that’s how they do it in Japan.

Lee said...

Shimmerrings ~ See if you can do it for 10 minutes at a time ..wherever you are ..when I surfed, I did it on the beach ..when I worked,I did it in airplane terminals. If you need to be doing something ..try doing deep breathing exercises.

sky-walkyria said...

the doubt only appears once you are back to normal thinking,
when you meditate, you know

Lee said...

Thank you sky ~ that's right ~ normal thinking is like whatamI doingthisforwhatamIdoingthisfor ..

sky-walkyria said...

jaja, you´re right, normal thinking can be very boring!

samarth said...

have u ever been to india ?????

Lee said...

samarth ~ No, I have not ..would love to go tho ..thanks

Lee said...

Sky ~ My normal thoughts are junk (lol)

brad4d said...

I also have a thing about nothing.

lee said...

Brad ~ yes indeed, there is certainly a lot going on with nothing. Thanks ~ lee