Friday, July 25, 2008

There and back

I walk a lot ~ Arroyo beach is only ten minutes by car ~ Romero canyon fifteen ~ where I go depends on my mood ~ it doesn’t matter to my dog ~ both places are pretty cool. One day I wondered what it would be like to just walk out the door ~ and keep going. I found trails leading up the steep hills behind me ~ some great athletic fields at the high school down the road ~ and a whole new world of smells for my dog. So today, we head for the hills ~ pass the funky little houses ~ say hello to Marlene ~ and run into Hawaiian Joe ~ we share a little smoke ~ he heads home ~ and I change my mind and head for the high school ~ figuring it’s flatter and better suited to my revised condition. I walk across the athletic fields ~ and do a 100 yard dash across the spongy grass of the football field ~ going “hey, this isn’t so bad ..!” I run up and down the bleachers a few times ~ sit on the rim ~ and it occurs to me, the way things do when I’m high ~ the reason I love coming here is because it feels so liberating ~ I’m not confined to a narrow trail ..! I take a 360 degree look around ~ and there are, like, more than a dozen different directions I can go ~ each one an interesting way back home. There are woodsy areas ~ funky little residential alleyways ~ and it blows me away. I’m stoked by the opportunities afforded me when I’m not behind the wheel of an automobile.


Red said...

I love walking. But since my back had gotten so bad, I had resorted to rinding my three wheeler bike. now that is not a complaint. I was pain free, getting some mild cardio and enjoying the silence of thee early morning.

Now that my surgery is over and I am on the road to healing, I will be doing a lot more walking. that is not a complaint. In fact I am up to about 30 minutes every night(Weather permitting) and feel good when I return home. We however, do not have lovely trails to view as we walk, just rows of homes.

But I am still looking forward to getting back to my home and trekkig with my husband. did I mention I am jealous of where you are able to walk?? Good going Lee.

Ande said...

360 degrees of freedom, Lee, that’s hiking!

Lee William said...

Three wheeler bikes are cool

30 minutes ..excellent.

Any neighborhood works ..mine is actually quite ordinary ..not my intention to sound boastful ..I just elevate things to the level of my mood sometimes.

Glad to hear you’re on the road to recovery ..!

Lee William said...

Ande ..yes it is! I suppose in 3-dimensions that would be mountain climbing .. :)

Ande said...

You have great animated descriptions of the Californian environment, the natural and urban. It brings back memories of when I was there.

I looked at some pictures on the net from Romero canyon. It looks like the kind of nature I connect with southern California, dry and wild.

I don’t know if you listen to Love, but the scenery reminds me of shots in the sleeve cover of Forever Changes (in the Hollywood Hills), with unruly Arthur Lee standing in swimming trunks. I love a promo video on Your Tube from 1967, ‘Your mind and we belong together’ which features this dry very special environment.

My friend Karl expressed a mild interest in Love once and I sent him this video. His reply was, ‘this was the worst crap I’ve seen!’ He’s really into new music with the latest technique while I might be able to sing when I’m older; ‘I was so much older then, I’m younger then that now’ :)

Lee William said...

Is that the byrds i hear ..was that an alfa romeo i saw ..? I must have been dreaming ..;)

sky-walkyria said...

I used to go hiking around
Here, the hills are small, but steepy,
I walked today for more than 2h, up and down,
no dogs can follow me!

Lee William said...

Sky ~ sounds like an very hearty walk to me .. :)

Newsandseduction said...

Poetic. Shows how the things are.

Lee William said...

Shows how things look to me ..

Thank you krishna bhatt ..haven't had the pleasure of a visit for a long time seeing an old friend .. :)