Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fire on the mountain

My sanctuary is under fire ~ and if the wind changes direction ~ it’ll be toast. Tassajara is a Zen monastery located in the Big Sur wilderness ~ 14 miles from the nearest paved road ~ and surrounded by the Los Padres National Forest ~ which is on fire right now. I’ve been receiving messages over the Internet from people who live nearby. Apparently evacuation orders were issued ~ but the monks chose to stay ~ setting up barricades ~ and a sprinkler system ~ among other things. So, the local sheriff asked them to provide the names of their dentist ~ for identification ~ and a team of firefighters has taken up residence ~ being fed in the monastery kitchen ~ mainly rice and vegetables. Although Buddhist monks are known for self-sacrifice ~ they’re no fools ~ if things get too dangerous they’re going to bail alongside the firefighters ~ none of them wants to risk their life to save a building ~ that’s not where they’re at. Nevertheless, my heart grieves ~ admittedly for the loss that I may suffer ~ but also for the residents of Big Sur who have already lost their homes. One person I heard from says that my other sanctuary ~ the Esalen Institute ~ is safe for now ~ even so ~ they’ve been ordered to evacuate as well.

Click on photo to enlarge

Photo courtesy of ZenCenter


Ande said...

That's terrible Lee. Big Sur is truley one of the worlds most fantastic places. Let's hope the wind don't change!

Red said...

We here in Florida, usually have a few days notice before we have to cut loose. And I sit here when I see folks that have less than an hour to get out due to floods and fires. And I wonder what would I grab if I only had one hour to get out.

Tought decisions to make. I guess the fmaily would be first, but then they could grab some things as well.

I will be keeping an eye on the news and hope all goes well for you Lee.

Lee William said...

Thanks everyone ..!

They have a website you can follow ~~> Big Sur Fire

Shimmerrings said...

How are the fires? Did they by-pass the monestary?

Lee William said...

The fires are still burning ~ but not moving because of the fog and a favorable wind ~ the zen monastary is still sweating ~ but they have time to reinforce barriers and such ..

Lee William said...

monastary fire update ~> Tassajara