Monday, April 14, 2008

Space wanderer

The same forces that bind the atomic particles of my eyes also hold together the planets and stars in outer space. A slight shift in balance would turn those forces into photo-energy ~ and the universe would dissolve into light. Now, as awesome as that might sound ~ you can bet that any extraterrestrials, who are watching, will be knocking on the door the instant they see us tipping that scale. I look out my backdoor ~ there’s a creek and a small wooded area ~ and so many waves of energy bombarding me; I can’t catch them all ~ only the ones that my senses are programmed to receive ~ and even those get filtered ~ sent to neuro-clusters ~ and filtered some more ~ discarding what I haven’t got sense enough to understand ~ and preserving the rest as ‘conscious experience’. Scientists tell me that space is not a vacuum ~ it’s a fabric ~ when I step outside and walk down the street ~ it clings to me and starts to build up ~ like mud on my boots after a rainy day. I explain this to my friends and they get me a pair of goggles. But even those don't help much when I'm trying to see through the debris that, psychologists say, builds up on the lenses of my mind everyday.


Shimmerrings said...

Isn't it amazing to know that we could be staring straight at something and not be able to see it, just because we can't recognize it. I've never thought of it like that, as a fabric. Nice analogy. I usually see it as sorta like an invisible substance, liquid if you will... maybe windshielf wipers would do :)

Lee William said...

Shimmerrings ~ You’re right .. if it isn’t part of my ‘schema’’s as though it doesn’t exist. I’ve experienced the night-sky as ‘vibrations’ before ..and I do need to refresh my receptors more often .. ;)

Shimmerrings said...

If you've experienced the night sky as vibrations, I'll bet you've also heard the earth hum?

Lee William said...

Yes I have ..! I can also feel her pulse.

Shimmerrings said...

I've heard her hum before... it was incredible, it was a beautiful day and I was walking across a field, sunny blue skies... and then I heard it....hmmmmmmmmmmm... a very low-level, yet strong and steady sound... never felt the pulse, however.

Lee William said...

aummmmmm, nothing like feeling grounded on a sunny day

you too can feel the pulse's in your veins

Shimmerrings said...

You are right, aren't you. I've felt other's pulses in my hands before. And seen swirling, liquid colors in their faces.

brad4d said...

The creek turns into a street right in front of my house, so the babbling I like about ET is that He is in the Ocean, like a small silver yeti & the saucers are magnetic, so this closeness offers more hope of a guardian.
But the dam*ing of rivers redistributes weight on fault lines, and instruments now can measure shifts of axis, too.